Welcome to the Goshen High School
Alumni Association
This is the official Goshen High School Alumni Webpage.
There is no charge, fees or
forms for being a member of the Goshen High School Association.
The Goshen High School Alumni Association is composed of individuals who have graduated from Goshen High School
in Goshen, Ohio. Anyone graduating from Goshen High School is an automatic member of the Goshen High School Alumni Association. We
are compiling a database of all of our graduates. Please help us by emailing
your current contact information to
historian@goshenalumni.com. If you want your contact information on the
directory too, please tell us. We strongly encourage anyone who has graduated from Goshen High School to become an active member of the
association. We meet on the second Sunday of the month at 2:00pm at the Goshen
High School Community Room. (September, October, November, January, February, March and April)
The association donates several scholarships every year to deserving Goshen High
School seniors. We also nominate and elect three or more individuals to the
Goshen High School Hall of Fame. We also try to maintain an accurate
database of
all Goshen High School graduates. .We hope the creation of this website will also
help Class Reunions Committees and other interested individuals to stay in
touch. We also support school and community projects when deemed
worthy and educational.
A GHS Alumni Banquet is held every May. At the banquet, we induct individuals into
our Goshen High School Alumni Hall of Fame and honor selected graduation
classes and present the scholarships. Donations to the Scholarship Fund will be happily accepted at anytime and for any amount.
Last year, the banquet
was held on May 11, 2019.
The banquet is held at
Goshen High School. We publish a newsletter in April and mail it to individuals who have graduated
10 years or more from Goshen High School. If you haven't received a newsletter,
please contact the historian at
historian@goshenalumni.com with your mailing information.
The newsletter is also published on this
site. Please read the newsletter for more details.
We also have a face book page for current and ongoing information. Please go to
Goshen High School Alumni Association Face book
Page and join our group. It is the only group using our Crest. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact any officer
at P.O. Box 113, Goshen, Ohio, 45122 or email the webmaster at
webmaster@goshenalumni.com .
Due to the
coronavirus outbreak,
the Alumni dinner
has been Cancelled.
Please check this
page and our
Face Book Page for
News and Notes